Ruffles & Rust Vintage Market!

The plan was hatched at Junk Bonanza.
{Which I'll be sharing more photos of SOON!}

"We really need to go on a road trip together!" said my new pal when I arrived at the show.

So we did!

Above: Kris and Amy of Today's Country Store and Lisa Souers of Lisa Souers Designs Jewelry 


A Vintage Market to Inspire

JohnBobCoolJunk is in the background.

Can you see them?

Can you see them now?

No, silly…but how cool is their booth.

It's cool like the wind.

Ahhh…boy, back to the story.

You know who else is cool like the wind?

Isabel, of Maison Douce with Lisa and her new lady.  

This dress form, apparently. 


: p

Thank you, Lisa!  What a fun day!!!

Please visit The Little Red Shop's facebook page to see more of my photos from the fabulous…

 Ruffles and Rust
 a Vintage Market to Inspire!

Thank you!

: )

Julie M.

It's Alison's 39th Fridays Unfolded!!!  


Myric said…
Hello Julie! Thank you for your visit in my blog! I really like your little red shop here :)

Ill be subscribing now!

Thank you!

: )

Julie M.

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