Urgent Family Prayer Request

My mama with the Wee Minnesotans, my big brothers ~ Jeffy and Bryan

Hi, will y'all please hold my oldest brother Bryan up in your prayers?  He's in the Neuro-ICU at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle.  He went to bed with a headache last Thursday night after not feeling well for a few days.

In the morning, his friends found him unresponsive.

He was diagnosed with a brain infection.  It was putting an enormous amount of pressure on him...cutting off circulation.  He was transferred from one hospital, to Harborview, for immediate brain surgery.  


I don't know how many of you know that we lost my daddy 11 1/2 years ago to brain cancer, and now my big brother has had the same drastic surgery, but for different reasons.

I've been keeping folks posted on my facebook page, which you can follow here:

The Little Red Shop

Thank you so much to all of you who are already praying and leaving sweet comments.  It means so much, and I plan to print out your comments for Bryan...whose 45th Birthday is coming up on Wednesday.

We don't know what is going to happen, but so far...the nurses are amazed by how he is doing.  Without being fully conscious, he is able to purposefully move his arms and legs, and today he even started helping the staff turn him by moving his hips.  He is opening his right eye, and is able to squeeze hands and wiggle toes on command.

Tonight, he has a fever and his blood pressure is high.  There is also more yuck in his head that needs to scram.


We'd definitely appreciate your prayers for Bryan's complete healing and for the ICU staff, as they look after him.  As I said before, we have no idea as to what the Lord has in store.  He is still in critical condition.

I'm not very good with medical things....but God has prepared me in some ways for this by giving me the heart to follow Joanne's story for the last couple of months.  They are much different scenarios, but I now know some questions to ask about things that my RN mom wouldn't have shared with my squeamish self in the past.  I've even thought of some things that Bryan would want to hear, like the fact that his horse and his dog are in good care.  I know that I would want to know that.

(As I finished typing the last sentence, my twenty pound puppy-cat, George, came over to the sofa to give me a nudge.)


My brother knows that Jesus loves him.  He knows that he is loved by his family and friends...which is exactly what his middle name means.  


He is Bryan David, named for my daddy.

Will you please hold my sweet mama up in your prayers, too?  Bryan is her 6'1" baby.  

Thank you!  God Bless you!

Julie M.

ps  When we were little, during many family road trips to Minnesota from our home in Washington, we listened to a lot of Classic Country Music compilations...and Elvis.  If we were very quiet, while "Why Me Lord?" was playing...we could hear Bryan softly singing along with  JD Sumner.  My mom had the best seat for listening...as she sat directly in front of him in our white & "wood" station wagon.

Here is the link to the Elvis classic...featuring the amazing bass of JD Sumner:

"Why Me Lord?"

Bryan David ~ April 1966 - July 2011


Christy said…
I will keep your your brother and mama in my prayers. Stay strong. God bless!
Thank you, Christy!
Sister Patty said…
Between your updates and the song playing on your blog, I'm a sniffling mess! You and your brother and mom have our prayers, Julie.
Ms. Bake-it said…
Hello Julie,

I am so sorry to hear about your brother. I will definitely keep him and your mother in my prayers.

kasey said…
Praying for your brother and mother too!
Unknown said…
Julie . . . you, Bryan, and your entire family are in my thoughts and prayers!!!
Keeping you, Bryan, and your family in our prayers and thoughts. Glad & Celia
We will keep you, Bryan, and your family in our prayers and thoughts. XO Glad & Celia
Jen said…
I'm praying and praying, Julie. We so love your family and hope and pray that God is going a great work in Bryan as he goes through this enormous struggle in his life. Happy Birthday, Bryan. We so wish your birthday could have been spent differently, but know we are thinking about you all day and praying that you can enjoy your birthday cake soon!
Jen said…
YAY! I think it finally let me leave a comment!!!
Praying for you, your brother and your family girl!!!!
Wendys Hat said…
I sure will. Hope all is well real soon.
Kelly Ann said…
J....continuing to send prayers to all of your family...for strength and healing and hope..

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