Rottman & Selleck...
The Time:
One Spring afternoon in 2010
The Place:
Somewhere in the middle of Nebraska during The Midwestern Junkin' & Family History Huntin' Tour with Li'l Red & The Wonder Twins
The Backstory:
My mom's family has lived in the area for around 150 years.
The Mission:
Finding the resting ground of our forefathers...and my auntie's cell phone, which she lost somewhere between two cemeteries.
The Subject:
The stone of F.W. Rottman ~ 1834-1886
{No relation, as far as I know}
Can you hear me now?
: )
Julie M.
ps My auntie did find her phone. It was on the edge of the lane just a few paces from her dad's maternal grandparents, John W. & Mary (née Gardner) Allmon. My great great grandpa John W. looked just like Tom Selleck.
What do you think?