Think Pink!

When I was growing up, we spent the holidays with my paternal grandparents. One year they would drive out to Washington State and the next year we would take the 3 day drive to celebrate Christmas with them in Minnesota. My grandparents had a wonderful mid-century home. I loved that house. In particular, I loved the upstairs fridge...

Sometime before she sold the house she had called a home since my dad's teenage older brother, the middle one, moved back to Minnesota and lived with my grandmother...and they got rid of the wonderful old pink fridge...and its coordinating white wallpaper with the whimsical pink and orange tulips which seemed to dance happily around the kitchen. Ugh! It's been about 16 years since I last stood in that kitchen...I first happened upon this old advertisement when I was working on a class project at university. I happened upon it again today, whilst looking through old find a lovely picture to share with you.

What do you think?

Wouldn't you like to have a happy pink refrigerator hanging on your wall???

Oh, and the master was allll pink! My grandpa used that bathroom..and my grandma got ready in the one down the hall.

Have a beautiful week!

: )

Julie M.


Wow! I have never seen one of these before. How cool is that?!
Mary said…
Julia...oh my gosh...this is so freaky!! My husband and I bought a house last year that was built in 1958. At the time is was quite a 'modern' house. The owner that built it was a VP for GE, and he had that very same fridge put in this house! Apparently it was a top of the line item at that time, and GE let him fill out house with all these wacky things, some of which never even made it public. And the part that I thought was just too wierd...our master bath is PINK...ALL PINK. Pink tile, toilet, floor, tub. And that is the bathroom my husband uses and I use the one down the hall. Soooo glad the reno is happening soon! ;o) How funny, it is like we are your grandma and grandpa all over again! :o) ~mary~
I have never seen a fridge like that! I don't think I would want a pink one, but it would be kind of nice to have a fridge that my two year old couldn't open and root around in...
Anonymous said…
I would lOVE a fridge like this! How cool! I hate beding over and rooting around in mine! And yes, i would take one in pink! ♥

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