I hope you have been enjoying beautiful Autumn days...as I've been away visiting with The Wonder Twins...
I'll be back soon. In the meantime, can you tell me what kind of tree this is? It sits perfectly nestled between the central window of my back porch, the Lilac hedge...and the wee barn...in the shade of a great Ponderosa Pine. My handyman, a former Boyscout, tested the berries the other day and said that they are poisonous. It didn't produce berries, in fact, until a couple of years ago when I gave it a good trim.
I have always loved this tree...can you tell me what kind it is?
I hope so...and I hope that you...have a lovely day!
Happy Monday Julie!! It is a lovely tree, but I am not good with tree names, only flowers - sorry! I'll be interested to know if anyone else knows what it is!
Hope you are enjoying the beautiful fall weather. What did you decide about the paint??
Anonymous said…
I LOVE berry trees in the fall! I have a crab apple that gets red berries and then these bushed that get cotton candy pink berries. They're my favorite. I got them at Wights. Do you go there?
I don't think I've been to Wight's...I don't head in that direction very often. I have been to Molbaks, though. I grew up on the plateau, where we had wild huckleberry bushes all over the yard. I live out in the toolies now...going to Fred Meyer is like going to the mall! An horticulturist used to own my property....she left little bits of lovely flora here and there....including 2 mystery trees.
:) T