One Sweet Day...

In 1986, my family was invited to spend the Fourth of July at the cabin of some friends from church. So we did. We spent the day playing Scrabble and Uno, eating M&M's, and laughing...laughing a lot. We watched the big fireworks show during the ferry ride home.

In 1986, a girl named Sara was invited to spend the Fourth of July at the cabin of one of her classmates. She didn't know the other family who would be joining them that day....Sara has been one of my best friends ever since..! A world traveller, she has lived in Germany, China, and...Minnesota...but now, she is back in the Seattle area and called the other day to ask what my plans were for this weekend. "I will actually be in town on Saturday," I said. Remarkably, Sara's day was wide here is what we did....

In search of new-old doorknobs (Sara is restoring her mid-century home), we started off the day at Earthwise Architectural Salvage in Seattle.

Can you even imagine how much history there is behind these door knob plates???

These brass fixtures...what tales they could tell....

And these pretty shades were waiting for a light.

Then we headed on over to Second Use, where...

Sara looked through the drawers for house numbers...

...and fell for this old sink.

In the meantime, this caught my attention....

The hinge open and shut case!

And I fell for this...

...and this...

Sara pointed out that it even had my initials on it..."J & M" perfect! Then we went outside and I saw these...

We've probably all seen a room done with subway tiles...but have you ever thought of using these? Waha! They are lids pour la toilette...

Sara dreamed of having the pretty pink sink...the one up in the sky...

and I would just love to have that really long sink...out in the garden by my carriage house. Wouldn't that be wonderful?!!!


And then there was this...

ohhhh this....

someone was very naughty....I believe that this authentic Bachelder Tile fireplace was rescued from a glorious house which was torn down on Queen Anne Hill in Seattle. I'm pretty sure that it has gone down $1,500 since my last visit...and it would be just perfect in the bungalow we are restoring for my shop!!! certainly would!

Isn't this sweet?

What a pretty light!

...and back on the sales counter...on the way out the door...

...a dessert buffet of little glass knobs.

So what did we buy? I don't think Sara found the right fixtures for her projects...but I found these.... (Are you sitting down..don't get too excited now)

I found 3 brackets for $2.00 each for my laundry room project. Yes, I's all very exciting.

To see more of Today's Thrifty Treasures visit Southern Hospitality.

The story is not over...the day isn't done...

A few weeks ago, Miss Mimi Charmante blogged about the Bakery Nouveau in West Seattle. She said that it was so fine in fact, that I should brave the West Seattle bridge to pay the cafe a visit.

Upon arrival...we were greeted by a towheaded tot who was getting a glimpse of the goodies.


I went with the Lemon Meringue Tart

What would you choose?

To top off a full day, we saw the film, "(500) Days of Summer"(Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a doll-baby!) and loitered over coffee and design books at Barnes and Noble. A very sweet day, indeed!

Speaking of sweet things...I'm really late in the game, but lovely Tracey of French Larkspur is having an extremely generous giveaway (a $150.00 gift certificate!) to celebrate the grand opening of her online shop, French Larkspur.. Please visit Tracey's blog for more details...and go now because the giveaway ends at midnight tonight!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


What a fun day...hunting for treasures, goodies and a movie!! I admire your patience in undertaking a redo of an older home! We had a 100 year old Victorian and it was non-stop! Loved the shot of the little towhead checking out the sweets! Happy Labor Day!...Debbie
What great stuff, I was drooling over most of it...and I live in a 70s ranch house! Hmmm, maybe that's why. Especially loved the vintage ceiling lights.
NicNacManiac said…
Oh my gosh....sounds like the best day with a dear friend....good eats and a fun movie!!
Glad you had a great time!!
Leanne said…
Oh, I wish I had a store like that around where I live. Beautiful treasures for sure!
Anonymous said…
sounds like the perfect day! what fun shops you went to. i feel jelousy coming on!
What treasure trove! I'm glad you shared it with us. Thanks for leaving comments on my blog. I love yours and I'm signing up to follow. I'd love it if you'd follow mine as well. Great to meet you!
Traci said…
Hi this is my first visit to your blog. Anything with red in the name peaks my curiosity! Your shopping trip looks fun. I wish we had cool shops like that here. Would probably have to venture to Minneapolis or Chicago for such places.The food looked delish too. Traci
Sara said…
Ooh, I'm famous! And no longer a lurker, at least for today. It was a lovely day, and I'm so glad we got to spend it together!
Caro said…

I am seriously green with envy!!!! All that wonderful old junk!! "drooooool"
Anne Marie said…
Saw you at French Larkspur, and so glad I did~

what treasures you found!!
Lemon meringue tart! YUMMM!
Jeanne Oliver said…
I would have been in heaven...with the lemon merinque too!!! What an amazing day with a sweet friend.
Can you e-mail me the link of your green dresser/counter? Or you can put the link in a post on my blog. I'd love to see the re-do and I wasn't able to find it. It sounds great.
Farmgirl Paints said…
Love the shops you went to. I would have swooned over the yellow claw foot tub!! The bakery was speaking to me. Loved the coffee or whatever it was with the heart in the foam. Too cute!
Becky ~ It was Sara's drink...and I believe it was a latte. A cute young couple who sat at our table (yes, they have family style tables at the bakery : ) let me take pictures of their drinks too...they were in big cups with saucers...Sara thinks that the barista thought she wanted her cup "to go." (If I remember correctly, Kimberly showed a picture of the big cups of coffee for her blog, Mimi Charmante : )

Miss Mustard Seed ~ The link for my blog post which includes the cool old green counter I bought a couple of months ago at an estate sale is: I've yet to restore it..but will definitely post about it when I do! : )

Thank you so much for your comments and questions!

Julie M.
Anonymous said…
I've been to that architectural shop many times... Maybe I need to make it over to West Seattle one day also.
Unknown said…
It looks like my idea of a perfect day!!! I'm so glad you got to have such a wonderful day with your sweet friend! Thanks for mentioning my giveaway, I do appreciate it :) Happy Thursday!

:) T
Lisa said…
What a great place! I love all that wonderful old stuff. Good for us that like it but sad it is not in it's original spot anymore! Thanks for taking us along and I'm glad you ahd such a great day!
Hugs, Lisa
maryboys said…
thanks so much for sharing the day with us...i just love the long white sink, too.

Shannan Martin said…
What a perfect day! That salvage store looks like a dream come true! And excellent choice on the lemon tart. We saw 500 Days last weekend and enjoyed it so much! (I think Cory may have a tiny crush on Zooey now...) :)
ColtysMama said…
don't ask me how i ended up on a sept 2009 entry...but, my mom came in and looked over my shoulder. I was at this part: "...a dessert buffet of little glass knobs.
So what did we buy? "
and she said "oh! is that you!?" Um, no. It's someone named Sara.
she said "Oh, well...that sure looks like good food!"

-not sure if she meant the glass doorknobs or wooden hinges-

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