Beauty and The Beasts...

A couple of weekends ago, I had just a wee bit of time to head out to a "multi-family" yard sale in a secluded woodland community not far from my home...

I'm used to regularly meeting friends and neighbors while out treasure hunting, but I never expected this...can you see them? Can you see who's driving?


It's no wonder...

Man's best friends, out for a drive on a beautiful Saturday afternoon!

Thank you to the gracious couple who allowed me to take pictures of their babies! There were actually 2 other big furry passengers in the jeep that day...the nice couple rescued all 4 dogs!


Lisa said…
Super cute!! How cool when people take tons of Dogs. All 3 of mine are but I just couldn't fit anymore in here right now!
Hugs, Lisa
Thank you! I've rescued dogs too. But they don't bark..they are puppy cats! George Henry weighs about 20 pounds! He's not really fat...he's just large and TALL and acts like a dog. He's a big baby.

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