Absolutely Julia...

"Illustrations, Ornaments, and Hand-Painted Furniture..."

My dear friend Marcia Jean has placed a special request. She wondered why I hadn't posted any pictures of my original business cards on the blog. So, here they are...sort of...along with a couple of pieces of furniture I painted after creating "Absolutely Julia" In 1993...

I painted furniture and accessories with original scenes from fairy tales and nursery rhymes for shops and individual clients in the Seattle area. In 1994, I began painting for shops in LA, Westwood, and Santa Monica, while studying fashion design at FIDM. Unfortunately, I was photographically and computerly challenged at the time, and didn't take very many pictures of my work. The "Absolutely Julia" tags (above) were cut from a printed copy of the hand-painted business cards I created for an event in Hollywood. It was around that time, that I made a great group of friends at The First Baptist Church of Beverly Hills...including Miss Marcia Jean. : ) Originally from, and now back in Boston, Marcia has one of the sweetest spirits of anyone I know.
While I felt blessed to be able to sell my work through other merchants, what I REALLY wanted...what I had ALWAYS wanted, was to have my own shop. How that dream came to fruition...how Absolutely Julia's road led to The Little Red Shop...is a long story which will have to wait for another day.

All Rights Reserved © 1993-2011 Absolutely Julia and The Little Red Shop

The official Lil' Red shop website is currently under reconstruction...stay tuned... absolutelyjulia.com is hybernating at the moment, : ) and is not related to any blogs with similar names.


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