Junk Bonanza & The Queens of Posh

I was recently blessed, at the last minute…as things sometimes go, with the opportunity to attend Junk Bonanza.


I happened upon a new instant friend…

Little Miss Amanda

...and one of the loveliest booths I've ever seen!


Amanda is the mastermind behind Wild Olive Restorations, featuring "Perfectly imperfect time worn & elegant furnishings for the finest of palaces…"


I snapped a few photos as fast as I could in the little bitty breaks of photo-ops between elbows and…ehummm…derrieres…which have a way of wandering into the perfect shot every now and always.

{I love this sweet li'l red duo that I snatched up for my parlor}

In fact…

Most of the pieces struck a chord with me.

The Queen's of Posh booth was the most Li'l Red Shoppish of spaces in what I heard one fellow attendee refer to as "a show that is a lot less phoofy than Farm Chicks.

It's true.

I'll be sharing more rustic wonders from Junk Bonanza (& other scrumptiously delicious shows) with you soon.

In the meantime,

Follow The Little Red Shop's facebook page for more frequent posts, photo previews, and such.

You can also find links to more sweet things I "Like."


Thank you for visiting! 
 I hope y'all had a fabulous weekend!

: )

Julie M.


Hmm….friends are still saying they're having trouble commenting on my posts.

So, this is a test of the Li'l Red commenting system…

: )

Julie M.
Kelly Ann said…
We almost got to meet....I was suppose to go to JB this year but my trip got cancelled...Sounds like you had fun..
Christy said…
Oh my, that place looks like vintage heaven.

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