Wandering Rose...

A remnant from the nursery days of old, this climbing rose with the hardiest of hearts, is taking a wee tour through what's left of the bungalow's ol' back porch.

I hope ya'll are having a miraculous Monday!

: )

Julie M.

ps  I'm recycling every little bit of treasure that I can.  What would you do with these old tongue & groove boards?


Alison Agnew said…
I planted a pink climbing rose last summer and am crossing my fingers that it will actually bloom. Roses have thus far been my Waterloo....

Happy Monday!

red ticking said…
have just found your lovely blog... blessings to you for spreading His word! xx pam
Farmgirl Paints said…
Make frames with them or a some kind of headboard. I need a headboard for my spare bedroom:)
Lisa said…
Love the rose! I will think on the boards. A fence even if it was a small piece for a porch or inside?
Hugs, Lisa
Good morning!
We had some ancient and weathered boards like that and we have made a wonderful fireplace cowl. If you think so,I can send you a picture so that you can see the final result!
Unknown said…
Beautiful pic Julie, and I love the old boards...lots of possibilities if you have a lot of them!!! I hope I get to meet you at Farm Chicks...I'm getting so excited about going!

Hugs ~

:) T
Anne Lorys said…
Hi Julie!

This is just the most beautiful image!

Have a wonderful week!
Jeanne Oliver said…
Fun...I can't wait to see what you do with them.
Seizing My Day said…
hide them away in my garage until my hubby tells me they have to go b/c I can't think of anything to do with them!! ;)

can't wait to see what you come up with! ;)

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